Wind Farm and Solar Farm Lawyers
Large scale renewable energy projects have grown into a major industry in recent decades, becoming a valuable source of extra revenue for farmers.
Surrounded by wind farms and solar energy projects in western Victoria, Nevetts Lawyers have been involved from the start. With farmers already comprising a large part of our client base, it was a natural progression for us to start advising our clients on wind and solar farms, enabling us to amass considerable experience and carve out a niche as an industry leader in this area.
Over the last two decades, we have advised and negotiated for landholders on many wind and solar projects, in Victoria, New South Wales, Queensland, Tasmania and Western Australia, including:
- Stockyard Hill Wind Farm (Goldwind), VIC
- Waubra Wind Farm, VIC (Acciona)
- Lal Lal Wind Farm, VIC (previously WestWind Energy)
- Nilgen Wind Farm, WA (Pacific Hydro)
- Bodangora Wind Farm, NSW (Infigen Energy)
- Bulgana Wind Farm, VIC (Neoen)
- Moorabool Wind Farm, VIC (Goldwind)
- Portland Wind Energy Project, VIC (Pacific Hydro)
- Yass Solar Farm, NSW (Tetris Energy)
- Berrybank Wind Farm, VIC (Union Fenosa/GPG)
- Dundonnell Wind Farm, VIC (Tilt Renewables)
- Golden Plains Wind Farm, VIC (WestWind Energy)
- Kiamal Solar Farm, VIC (Total Eren)
- Barwon (Little River) Solar Farm, VIC (Elgin Energy)
- Tall Tree Wind Farm, VIC (Acciona)
- Nyaninyuk Wind Farm, VIC (Acciona)
- Moreton Hill Wind Farm, SA (Iberdrola)
- Woakwine Wind Farm, SA (Iberdrola)
- many other projects which are in early stages and not yet public.
We have in some cases acted for multiple landholders in the one project, enabling them to leverage their combined bargaining power to collectively negotiate better terms.
Wind and solar farm documents are complex and lengthy. They often commit farmland for two or three generations. Farmers want to know whether the terms they are offered are fair and reasonable.
We have been privileged to review and advise on numerous wind and solar farm agreements over many years. Clients have also trusted us to represent them when disputes arise during and after construction, giving us an insight into where things can go wrong. We use this knowledge to provide essential advice, reduce risk, and negotiate a better deal for landholders.
If you have been approached by a wind or solar company, it is critical to get legal advice before signing anything. Documents signed early in the process can limit your ability to negotiate later.
For a no-obligation chat, please call Kent Mallinson or Cathy Drake on 03 5331 4444.
Our Team
Kent Mallinson
Special Counsel, Accredited Commercial Law Specialist
Cathy Drake
Director, Accredited Commercial Tenancy Law Specialist